Mastering the Art of Tooltips: Keep a Delta Tooltip Fixed on Lightweight-Charts
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Mastering the Art of Tooltips: Keep a Delta Tooltip Fixed on Lightweight-Charts

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Lightweight-charts, a powerful tool for data visualization, provides an array of features to enhance the user experience. One such feature is the delta tooltip, which displays the difference between two data points. However, by default, this tooltip is not fixed and can be frustrating for users. In this article, we’ll explore how to keep a delta tooltip fixed on lightweight-charts, providing a seamless experience for your users.

Understanding Delta Tooltips

A delta tooltip is a type of tooltip that displays the difference between two data points. This is particularly useful in financial charts, where users want to quickly see the change in values. Lightweight-charts provides an easy way to implement delta tooltips, but by default, they are not fixed and can move around as the user interacts with the chart.

The Problem with Default Delta Tooltips

The default delta tooltip behavior can be problematic for several reasons:

  • Unpredictable movement**: The tooltip can jump around the chart, making it difficult for users to focus on the data.
  • Lack of precision**: The tooltip might not always display the exact delta value, leading to confusion and inaccuracies.
  • Poor user experience**: A moving tooltip can be distracting and frustrating, causing users to lose focus on the chart’s primary purpose.

Solution: Keeping the Delta Tooltip Fixed

To overcome the limitations of default delta tooltips, we’ll create a custom solution that keeps the tooltip fixed in place. This requires a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code.

Step 1: Create a Custom Tooltip Container

Create a new HTML element to serve as the custom tooltip container:

<div id="fixed-tooltip"></div>

This element will hold our custom tooltip content and remain fixed in place.

Step 2: Style the Custom Tooltip Container

Add the following CSS code to style the custom tooltip container:

#fixed-tooltip {
  position: absolute;
  background-color: #fff;
  border: 1px solid #ddd;
  padding: 5px;
  display: none;

This code sets the tooltip container to have an absolute position, allowing us to position it precisely on the chart.

Step 3: Update the Chart Configuration

In your lightweight-charts configuration, add the following options:

const chart = lightweightCharts({
  // ... other chart options ...
  tooltip: {
    enabled: true,
    mode: 'delta',
    deltaFormat: ({ value }) => `Δ${value}`,
    customTooltip: (params) => {
      const tooltipContainer = document.getElementById('fixed-tooltip'); = `${params.y}px`; = `${params.x}px`;
      tooltipContainer.innerHTML = params.content; = 'block';

This code enables the delta tooltip mode and specifies a custom tooltip function. The custom function accesses the custom tooltip container, sets its position, and updates its content.

Step 4: Handle Chart Events

To keep the tooltip fixed in place, we need to handle chart events that might cause the tooltip to move:

chart.subscribeCrosshairMove((params) => {
  const tooltipContainer = document.getElementById('fixed-tooltip'); = `${params.y}px`; = `${params.x}px`;

This code subscribes to the chart’s crosshair move event and updates the tooltip container’s position accordingly.

Putting it all Together

With the above code in place, your delta tooltip should now remain fixed on the chart. Here’s a summary of the steps:

  1. Create a custom tooltip container.
  2. Style the custom tooltip container.
  3. Update the chart configuration to use the custom tooltip.
  4. Handle chart events to keep the tooltip fixed.

By following these steps, you’ve successfully kept a delta tooltip fixed on your lightweight-charts chart, providing a seamless user experience.

Best Practices and Optimizations

To further optimize your delta tooltip experience, consider the following best practices:

  • Use a consistent design language**: Ensure your custom tooltip design aligns with your chart’s overall aesthetic.
  • Optimize for mobile devices**: Adjust the tooltip’s size and positioning to accommodate smaller screens.
  • Consider accessibility**: Ensure the tooltip is accessible to users with disabilities by following accessibility guidelines.
Chart Type Delta Tooltip Benefit
Line Chart Accurately displays changes in value over time.
Bar Chart Highlights differences between categorical data.
Candlestick Chart Provides precise delta values for financial data.

By mastering the art of tooltips and keeping them fixed on lightweight-charts, you’ve taken a significant step towards creating an exceptional user experience. Remember to stay creative, experiment with different designs, and continually optimize your solution to meet the evolving needs of your users.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored the world of delta tooltips on lightweight-charts and learned how to keep them fixed in place. By applying the steps and best practices outlined above, you’ll be well on your way to creating an engaging and informative charting experience for your users.

Remember to stay tuned for more exciting tutorials and guides on mastering lightweight-charts and creating exceptional data visualization experiences!

Frequently Asked Question

If you’re struggling to keep a delta tooltip fixed on lightweight-charts, you’re not alone! Here are some FAQs to help you overcome this hurdle.

How do I prevent the delta tooltip from moving around on lightweight-charts?

To keep the delta tooltip fixed, you can use the `tooltipLabel` property and set it to a fixed value. This will ensure that the tooltip remains in place, even when the chart is zoomed or scrolled.

What if I want to customize the appearance of the delta tooltip?

You can customize the appearance of the delta tooltip by using CSS styles. Simply target the `.tooltip` class and apply your desired styles. You can also use the `tooltipOptions` property to customize the tooltip’s content and formatting.

Can I display multiple delta tooltips on the same chart?

Yes, you can display multiple delta tooltips on the same chart by using multiple `delta` series and assigning a unique `tooltipLabel` to each one. This will allow you to display different delta values with their own tooltips.

How do I handle situations where the delta tooltip overlaps with other chart elements?

To avoid overlapping, you can use the `tooltipOptions` property to set a custom offset for the tooltip. This will allow you to position the tooltip in a way that avoids overlap with other chart elements.

Are there any performance considerations when using delta tooltips on large datasets?

Yes, using delta tooltips on large datasets can impact chart performance. To mitigate this, consider using data aggregation or sampling to reduce the amount of data being processed. You can also optimize your chart’s rendering settings to improve performance.