How to Print Humongous Allocations in a Java Program Without Using GC Logs?
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How to Print Humongous Allocations in a Java Program Without Using GC Logs?

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Are you tired of digging through GC logs to find those pesky humongous allocations in your Java program? Do you wish there was a way to print them out directly without having to sift through a mountain of logging data? Well, wish no more! In this article, we’ll show you how to do just that.

What are Humongous Allocations?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand what humongous allocations are. In Java, the heap is divided into generations based on object lifetimes. The young generation is where new objects are allocated, and the old generation is where long-lived objects are stored. Humongous allocations are large objects that are allocated directly in the old generation, bypassing the young generation altogether.

These allocations can be problematic because they can cause significant garbage collection pauses and slow down your application. Identifying and optimizing these allocations is crucial for achieving good performance and minimizing GC overhead.

The Problem with GC Logs

GC logs can be a treasure trove of information, but they can also be overwhelming and difficult to parse. The logs contain a wealth of data, but finding the specific information you need can be like finding a needle in a haystack. Moreover, analyzing GC logs requires a certain level of expertise and can be time-consuming.

That’s where our solution comes in – a simple and efficient way to print humongous allocations directly in your Java program, without relying on GC logs.

The Solution

The solution involves using Java’s built-in java.lang.instrument package to create a Java agent that can intercept and analyze object allocations. We’ll use the java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation class to track object allocations and identify humongous allocations.

Step 1: Create a Java Agent

Create a new Java class that will serve as our Java agent. This class will extend the java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation class and override the premain method.

public class HumongousAllocationAgent {
    public static void premain(String agentArgs, Instrumentation instrumentation) {
        // Initialize the instrumentation
        instrumentation.addTransformer(new HumongousAllocationTransformer());

Step 2: Create a Transformer

Create a new class that will serve as our transformer. This class will extend the java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer class and override the transform method.

public class HumongousAllocationTransformer implements ClassFileTransformer {
    public byte[] transform(ClassLoader loader, String className, Class<> classBeingRedefined, ProtectionDomain protectionDomain, byte[] classfileBuffer) {
        // Get the class name in dot notation (e.g., java.lang.String)
        String dotnotatedClassName = className.replace('/', '.');
        // Check if the class is a humongous allocation
        if (isHumongousAllocation(classfileBuffer)) {
            // Print the humongous allocation
        return classfileBuffer;
    private boolean isHumongousAllocation(byte[] classfileBuffer) {
        // Implement logic to identify humongous allocations
        // For simplicity, let's assume any allocation above 1MB is humongous
        return classfileBuffer.length > 1024 * 1024;
    private void printHumongousAllocation(String className) {
        System.out.println("Humongous allocation detected: " + className);

Step 3: Run Your Java Program with the Agent

To use our Java agent, we need to run our Java program with the agent enabled. We can do this by setting the -javaagent flag when running our Java program.

java -javaagent:HumongousAllocationAgent.jar YourJavaProgram

Benefits of This Approach

This approach has several benefits over using GC logs:

  • Simpllicity**: This approach is much simpler than parsing GC logs. You don’t need to worry about log formatting, parsing, or analysis.
  • Real-time feedback**: With this approach, you get real-time feedback on humongous allocations as they occur, allowing you to quickly identify and optimize problematic code.
  • Customizability**: You can customize the agent to track specific types of allocations or to report on allocations above a certain threshold.
  • Flexibility**: This approach works with any Java program, without requiring any modifications to the program itself.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to print humongous allocations in a Java program without using GC logs. By creating a Java agent that tracks object allocations and identifies humongous allocations, you can quickly and easily identify performance bottlenecks in your application.

Remember, identifying and optimizing humongous allocations is crucial for achieving good performance and minimizing GC overhead. By using this approach, you can take the first step towards creating a more efficient and scalable Java program.

Additional Resources

If you’re interested in learning more about Java agents and instrumentation, here are some additional resources:

Resource Description
Java Instrumentation API Official documentation for the Java Instrumentation API
Instrumentation Tutorial Official tutorial on using the Java Instrumentation API
Java Instrumentation API Tutorial Tutorial on using the Java Instrumentation API for agent development

We hope this article has been helpful in showing you how to print humongous allocations in a Java program without using GC logs. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Need help printing humongous allocations in a Java program without using GC logs?

Q1: What is a humongous allocation?

A humongous allocation is a giant object allocation in Java that exceeds a certain size threshold, typically 512KB. These massive objects can cause performance issues, so identifying and optimizing them is crucial.

Q2: Why can’t I just use GC logs to print humongous allocations?

While GC logs can provide insights into garbage collection and memory allocation, they might not always expose humongous allocations. Additionally, analyzing GC logs can be tedious and may require expertise. You need a more straightforward way to identify these massive objects.

Q3: Can I use Java’s built-in tools to print humongous allocations?

Yes, Java provides the `-XX:+PrintHeapAtGC` flag, which can help identify large object allocations. However, this flag only prints information about the heap at garbage collection time, which might not capture all humongous allocations. You need a more targeted approach.

Q4: How can I use Java agents to print humongous allocations?

You can create a Java agent using the Java Instrumentation API to intercept object allocations and identify humongous allocations. This approach allows you to print detailed information about these massive objects, including their size and allocation stack traces.

Q5: Are there any libraries that can help me print humongous allocations?

Yes, libraries like JOL (Java Object Layout) and Javaassist can help you detect and print humongous allocations. These libraries provide APIs for instrumenting and analyzing object allocations, making it easier to identify and optimize massive objects.